Berlin born and based, I’m an intuitive and analytical Tarot reader with an emphasis on inner work and empathetic self reflection. I want to help you grasp the magic in the world around you. I truly believe in embracing everything life throws at us through a deep understanding of the Self, which means working with our Light as well as our Shadow. An honest insight and deep soul dive can be the most empowering journey you will ever undertake, as it will unlock all facets of yourself, even parts you were not aware of. The introspective and magical knowledge of the tarot cards is a powerful tool for recognizing your soul and the meaning of your Self in this world. 

I started using the tarot when I was 16 years old and instantly felt a deep connection to the craft and its nurturing capabilities, guiding my growth and perspective of the world. As I gradually became an ‘adult’ – the usual expectations of life got in the way, and the cards were put into a drawer, but never forgotten. In the last years I have passionately reconnected to my love for tarot and have been deeply inspired by the books of tarot icon Rachel Pollack and the courses of Helen Reddin – as well as podcasts by Rootlock Tarot (Weston) and courses of Tarot for the Wild Soul (Lidsay Mack)

About Me

Authentic self expression and creativity

The cards are a great tool to identify subconscious tendencies and to integrate them into our ego mind. This way we can find our full creative, emotional and intellectual human capacity and potentially heal restricting habits.